How to Save 200 Dollars in Ten Days

It just occurred to me that I have been eating out too much.  My husband and I sometimes buy fast food for the family when we are running late or not feeling well.  And that has become a habit because the family went through a bad cold over the holidays.  Somewhere along the way we just started buying KFC and hamburgers because it was convenient.

But I added up our household expenses yesterday and realized that we have been spending about $140 a week on fast food.  That is more than our grocery bill sometimes.  And so I decided to go for 10 days without buying any fast food.  The kids were not happy with this decision but we actually saved around $170.  The other $30 savings was in gas because we were not making extra trips to the fast food restaurants.

This is not a real savings plan.  It just us returning to our normal budget.  So the lesson to be learned here is that if you don’t pay attention to what you are doing then you may lose control over your spending far more easily than you could imagine.

Now if only I can find a way to save on pet food without starving our other family members! 🙂